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Community Project Wiki
What is a community project?
A community project is a task set in http://meta.woodworking.stackexchange.com to create some specific object out of mostly wood employing woodworking techniques.
The project is explained in full detail in the question that starts it. The general question of every community project is "How did you do/build/create/make.. this?". Notice that the question is not asking for thoughts on how this could be done. The only way to answer is to do as you're told and build the object.
How can I find a community project?
All of them have the tag community-project
. Looking for questions with that tag will list all projects: https://woodworking.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/community-project
Additionally, users that start a community project should add it to this list:
How can I participate in a community project?
Answer the question. In order to do that, you have to build the object (or whatever the project says). If you have questions on how to do things, ask them on the main site: http://woodworking.stackexchange.com. Asking questions is encouraged behaviour.
What should I include in my answer?
Well done! You finished the project.
Share your result in an answer to the question that started the project. The minimum content of your answer should be at least 1 picture to display your work. Feel free to explain your technique, findings and problems that you had throughout the project.
If you are sharing your project with the rest of the world, outside of woodworking.SE, please consider adding a link back to the original question.
Is there a deadline for a project?
No. A community project runs forever, to give new members the chance to participate. Users will vote their favourite answers up, but there can never be an accepted answer because of the way the question is asked.
Can there be only one community project at a time?
Absolutely not! Please feel free to add community projects if you'd like to encourage your fellow woodworking.se members to try the project out for themselves.